It plans and carries into effect the communication processes of the national and international institutions, establishments and brands they offer service to since 1997. Medyaevi, with its integrated solutions, aims to be the “main solution partner” for their customers.
With the high interaction among the four leading expert companies, Medyaevi provides added-value for its cutromers and is a member of ICCO (International Communication Consultancy Organisation) and the Turkish representative of this organization İDA
S360 Sustainability Communication Services
Mavi Güvercin Communication and Event Consultant
STORiDEA Social Communication Agency

2023 - TUHİD Golden Compass
MediaMarkt Türkiye “MediaMarkt Startup Challange'' Project
International Campaign Award
Metro Türkiye, “Benim İşim Benim Mutfağım” Project
Grand Prize
2023 - Mediacat Felis Awards
P&G Türkiye “Olympic Moms Press Conference“ Project
Launch / Re-launch Felis Achievement Award
Oral-B “İstanbul Triatlonu” Project
Felis Achievement Award in the Communication Through Influencer Category
Samsung Electronics Türkiye “Solve For Tomorrow“ Project
Felis Gold Award in Access to Quality Education Category
Felis Gold Award in Creating Opportunities for Children and Youth Category
Samsung Electronics Türkiye “Samsung Balıkçı Ağı'' Project
Felis Gold Award in Recycling and Upcycling Category
2023 - Prida Ödülleri
Flo X Blindlook “Erişilebilir Bir Dünya” Project
BAU Special Award for Innovative Technology Use in Communication
P&G Türkiye Deprem Eforları
Social Solidarity Special Award
2022 - TUHİD Altın Pusula Ödülleri
ETİ “Healthy Soil Movement” Project
Corporate Responsibility Agriculture Award
Aksigorta “Digital Security Platform” Project
Corporate Publications Award
2022 - Prida Ödülleri
ETİ “You are Young, You are the Power” Project
Special Award for Projects that Add Value to Society
ETİ ''ETİ Burçak Healthy Soil Movement''
Sustainability Academy Sustainability Awards
Zorlu Center ''Eco Love Fest''
Event Communication Category
2021 - Prida Ödülleri
Fairy “Don't Waste Food”
Sustainability Communication + Sustainability Ideas + Launch/Relaunch
Bioderma "Atoderm Roadshow" Project
Event Communication + Launch, Relaunch
Mediamarkt Türkiye ''Great Friday'' Project
Journalist Influencer Communication Category
2021 - Mediacat Felis Ödülleri
Procter & Gamble “Hope for Tomorrow Under the Same Roof” Project
Integrated Media Projects Category
Fairy “Don't Waste Food”
Reputation Management, Sustainability Management, Media Relations Management,
Social Media and Digital Community Management
Bioderma "Atoderm Roadshow" Project
Launch / Re-Launch Category
2021 - TUHİD Altın Pusula Ödülleri
Procter & Gamble “Applause Too” Project
Corporate Social Responsibility + Sports + Continuity/Sustainability
Fairy "Historical Restaurants Are As Clean As New" Project
Marketing Communications and Integrated Marketing
Starbucks 'Fit Menu with Dilara Koçak from Starbucks Kitchen' Project
Digital Communication - Celebrity Usage
Vodafone Türkiye "Vodafone 41st Istanbul Marathon" Project
Sponsorship Communication - Sports
2020 - Prida İletişim Ödüller
Procter & Gamble “Youth is 100 Years Old” Project
Projects That Add Value to Society Category
Procter & Gamble "Applause Too" Project
Corporate Social Responsibility Communication and
Categories of Campaigns that Distribute Hope to Children
MediaMarkt "Startup Challenge" Project
International Project Category
Filli Boya “Salute to Victory” Project
Reputation Management and Local Values Communication Categories
2019 - TUHİD Golden Compass
Eti Yellow Bicycle
Corporate Social Responsibility Health Category
2019 - TUHİD Golden Campass
Eti Siyez Wheat Protection Movement
Corporate Social Responsibility Environment Catgory
2019 - Prida Awards
Cheetos Development Centers
Campaigns That Give Children Hope
2019 - Prida Award
Cheetos Development Centers
Project-Focused Sustainable Collaboration
2018 - Prida Awards
Procter & Gamble Turkey
Sustainable Collaboration Corporate Category Award
2018 - Prida Awards
Sustainable Collaboration Corporate Category Award
2018 - Prida Awards
Tekfen Holding
Sustainable Collaboration Corporate Category Award
2018 - Prida Awards
Filli Boya Turquoise Project
Corporate Publications Category Award
2018 - TUHİD Golden Compass
Fairy Turkey Don’t Let Fish Drown Project
Agenda Management Award
2018 - TUHİD Golden Compass
Procter & Gamble Turkey Olimpic Moms Project
Corporate Social Responsibility Sport Category Award
2017 - Mediacat Felis Awards
Filli Boya Color Effect Project
PR Purposed Publications Category Grand Prize
2017 - Mediacat Felis Awards
Samsung Boğaziçi Intercontinental Swimming Contest
Traditional Event Management as A PR Platform Category Grand Prize
2017 - Mediacat Felis Awards
Procter & Gamble ‘30 Sportsmen and Their Mothers on the way to Tokio 2020 Olimpic Games with P&G’
Integrated Campaigns with PR Leadership Category Grand Prize
2016 - TUHİD Golden Compass
Eti Yellow Bicycle
Corporate Responsibility Sport Category
2016 - TUHİD Golden Compass
Eti Burçak & WWF Turkey Collaboration Turkey’s Wheat Atlas
Corporate Responsibility Nature Category
Yeşilce Mah. Yunus Emre Cad. Nil Ticaret Merkezi No :8 Kat:1 34418 4.Levent-İstanbul
Tel: 0212 351 91 81
Fax: 0212 351 91 71
Human Resources